Monday, January 5, 2009

Creating a cartoon strip; from conception to submission.

To begin, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and is having a great New Year.
While Sheri, Breanna and I were visiting my son Tom and his wife Christine in Las Vegas for the Holidays (their very generous gift to us for Christmas), I was fortunate to meet a young lady who has visited this blog, and called me on a promise I made back when I started it.
It seems Wendy, the young lady mentioned above, besides having excellent taste in cartoons and blogs, has a brother who is interested in cartooning but lacks the knowledge of producing a strip for syndication.
She thought that my promise to discuss how to develope a strip from conception to submission to a syndicate might be of interest to him and possibly others.
So, that is what we will explore for the next week or so, or however long it takes.
I hope you will find it of interest. Please, feel free to utilize whatever advice and ideas you find useful. Also, your input is appreciated. If you have any additional information you would like to add please post them to the blog under "comments" or write to me directly, using the addresses shown below, and I will post them for you.
As in all subjects, no one knows everything so, if you find an error or have a question I have not addressed, let me know and I will do my best to find the answer to your question or correct the error.
Thanks Wendy!!
Tom Holloway

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